Two Moms

Journalist Manuela von Ah and I recently published an article about Sara and Carmen Keller’s beautiful family in Wir Eltern, a Swiss parenting magazine.


You may remember Sara and Carmen from a recent blog post of mine—I am accompanying them for a book project about lesbian lives. The story in Wir Eltern was published in regard to the dismal initiative Swiss voters will hopefully decline soon: The Christian People’s Party CVP wants to definite marriage as being “a union between a man and a woman” in our constitution. Let’s all vote against this horribly discriminating addition, show the CVP who’s boss, and clear the way for the “Marriage For All” initative later this year!


Here are some outtakes and the article. By the way, the Aargauer Zeitung picked it up as well! Woohoo—go Aargau! You can read it here.